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How to Handle a Child Abuse Case

January 26, 2016
Become a Child Advocates Volunteer Attorney


Each year, Child Advocates continues to grow our caseload. Last fiscal year we represented a record number of 1,028 clients. With our increased caseload we are in serious need of Child Advocates Volunteer Attorneys to represent our child clients.

On January 26th we will be offering our "How to Handle a Child Abuse Case" workshop specifically for those interested in becoming Child Advocates Volunteer Attorneys.*

"How to Handle a Child Abuse Case"
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
(check in begins at 8:30 AM)

Hosted by Ballard Spahr LLP
1735 Market St, 51st Floor

Continuing Legal Education Credit: 6.5
(4.5 Substantive, 2.0 Ethics)
COST: $75.00

You will receive instruction on the law and standards of practice for lawyers who represent children in abuse and neglect cases, as well as gain valuable guidance on what is expected in these cases. With Child Advocates' model of teaming pro bono attorneys with staff social workers and consulting staff attorneys, you will receive the highest level of support throughout your case.

Register HERE or visit for more information.