Nominations Sought
The Young Lawyers Division is now accepting nominations
for the F. Sean Peretta Service Award and the Craig M. Perry Service Award,
both presented at the YLD Annual Holiday Party, Award Ceremony and Gift Drive on November 30.
Deadline for nominations is Wednesday, October 18, 2017.
The F. Sean Peretta Service Award is presented annually to an individual who has devoted substantial time to an innovative or non-traditional program that serves the community. Peretta was a private practitioner who died suddenly at age 31 who was a very involved community activist and a mentor to kids in his home neighborhood.
He was viewed as a role model for African-American Youth.
The Craig M. Perry Service Award is presented annually to a young lawyer - 37 years old or younger or within the first three years of practice - who has devoted substantial time and energy to community-oriented activities, including, but not limited to, pro bono and charity work. Perry was a member of the YLD Executive Committee who suffered an untimely death. He was very involved in community service
and active in student-related and other YLD programs.
Nominations should include the individual's name, address and a brief statement describing his or her qualifications.
All nominations should be submitted to:
Dawn Petit, Philadelphia Bar Association
1101 Market Street, 11th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107
or email to
Young_lawyers_division_pba mailing list