Opportunity to network with promising Latino high school students!
Cristo Rey High School prepares its young minds for college and beyond. In accomplishing this goal, the high school coordinates events with business leaders in the communitymeant to connect aspiring young Latino high school students with professionals who can help students develop their skills and realize their higher education goals. In that spirit, Cristo Rey HS wishes to extend an invitation to all HBA of PA Board members to their event later this month titled: "Project Career" - Senior Networking Event. If you wish to attend please see the details below, as well as links to learn more about this high school and their programs:
Date: Friday January 27, 2017
Time: 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Place: Temple University Campus - Fox School of Business
Dress: Business Professional
Objective: To help develop professional presentation skills and communication skills with our senior students in a high-end formal, professional environment. Students will practice the art of discussing their internships and transferable skills and also exchange business cards.